

Application on General Dentistry, Endodontics, Implantology and Surgery
Controller board for brushless motors series 90 , with pressure sensor or without sensor pressure

Ref. 251.92.001 (251.92.002)


  • Designed to drive the 90 series of Dassym brushless motors (MO-93, MO-94)

  • Rotational speed from 80 to 40000rpm, CW and CCW

  • Current limitation from 500mA to 7000mA 

  • Foot switch management (at hardware and software levels)

  • Ability to manage up to 8 devices (different motors, curing lights, etc.)

  • Different control modes : direct, electric (analogic input) or pneumatic (integrated pressure captor)

  • Automatic light control (selectable light shutdown delay when motor stopped) 

  • Automatic storage of current working configuration

  • Up to 15 user memories for storage of working configurations

  • High speed serial interface with comprehensive DAPI-2 protocol for fine control, survey and firmware updates

  • One high speed single wire half duplex serial interface available on the motor connector for easy diagnostics and updates

  • Size : 102 x 59 mm

  • Power Supply 32 Vdc (up to 36 Vdc)

Multiple I/O connectors and expansion capabilities :

  • 1 command connector with foot switch input, speed reference input and 3 control I/O (light, reverse, status)

  • 1 expansion connector with 2 analog inputs, 4 digital I/O and I2C interface

  • 1 remote connector each with digital output
    and RS232 interface

  • 1 motor connector with 3 phases, light power
    and 2 configurable I/O (analog, digital, serial)

  • 3.3 V power for expansions (up to 300mA)